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LP: 2,800 JPY
CD: 2,200 JPY


The legendary tune "Play On Mr. Music"

from a documentary film "Roots Rock Reggae" comes alive.

This compilation celebrates some uncommon gems

from the greatest golden years of the Black Ark Studio

and Lee Perry's works.

“Play On Mr Music” by the Upsetter Revue featuring The Heptones, The Congos and Junior Murvin, had long been the Holy Grail for roots reggae connoisseurs, until Rocka Shacka issued it on a 10-inch EP. The result of an impromptu studio jam (captured on celluloid for Jeremy Marre’ s Roots Rock Reggae documentary in May 1977), the track celebrates the undeniable pull of Perry’ s musical artistry, with both musicians and onlookers enhanced by the uplifting qualities of a marijuana spliff.

"Milte Hi Ankhen" by Sam Carty is a full vocal cut to the oriental dub known as "Bird In Hand" which was included the dub master piece "Return of Ape".
You can also enjoy the unreleased dub mix of the deep rasta tune "Rejoice Jah Jah Children" by The Silvertones, also the unreleased take of Carlton Jackson's big tune "History", an irie roots rock version of Curtis Mayfield "People Get Ready" by Junior Murvin and the soulful Perry's vocal on "Soul Fire".

ドキュメンタリー・フィルム「ROOTS ROCK REGGAE」のレコーディ ング・シーンが、世界中のレゲエファンを魅了した伝説の一曲 「PLAY ON MR. MUSIC」がついに音源化! ブラック・アーク、そしてリー・ペリー全盛期コンピ

表題曲「PLAY ON MR. MUSIC」は、ミキシング・ルームでミュート ロンを早業で操る超人的なペリーの映像に世界中のレゲエ・ファン が息を呑んだあの曲。コンゴス、ヘプトーンズ、ジュニア・マーヴィ ン等、当時のトップ・ミュージシャンが集結したアップセッターズ・ レビューによる最高の一曲がついにディスクへ刻まれることとなっ た。以前 10 インチでリリースしたものとはテイクが違い、本作がムー ビーで使われていたオリジナル・テイクである。

SAM CARTY「MILTE HI ANKHEN」は、名盤「RETURN OF SUPER THE APE」に収録されていたオリエンタル・ダブ「BIRD IN HAND」 のフル・ボーカル・カットであり、先に 10 インチでリリースした 際に話題となった一曲。今回がアルバム初収録となる。

そのほか、トリップ感漂うディープ・ラスタ・チューン、THE SILVERTONES「REJOICE JAH JAH CHILDREN」の未発表ダブ・プレー ト・ミックス、CARLTON JACKSON の代表曲「HISOTRY」の未発表 オルタネイト・テイク、 カーティス・メイフィールドのマスターピースのアイリーなルーツ・ ロック・カバー、ジュニア・マーヴィン「PEOPLE GET READY」、ペ リーのソウルフルな歌が冴える「SOUL FIRE」など、奇才リー・ペリー 全盛期、ブラック・アーク・スタジオの音源が楽しめる一枚である。

45s Also 




  Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry has changed the way we think about music and recorded sound, his unique artistic vision replacing standard production techniques with a more wholistic approach that viewed incidental noise as important as any given instrument. Despite having no formal training and only limited equipment during most of his Jamaican heyday, Perry conjured a densely-textured, heavily-layered audio canvas that pulls the listener into unknown spaces, stretching the limits of magnetic audiotape. His enduring quest to serve the Almighty in song and abstract art has been part of an equally unique journey, spurring him ever forward into unknown territories.

  Though he claimed to come from Jupiter and once said he was born in the sky, an earthbound arrival as Reinford Hugh Perry came in 1936 in the rural town of Kendal, northwest Jamaica, where his father was a road contractor and the rest of the family worked the land; money was always in short supply and existence defined by ceaseless toiling. Little Lee dropped out of school at age fourteen to become a ranking domino contestant and after mastering wild dance steps, became a dance champion at tournaments held in the surrounding parishes. During the late 1950s, he bluffed his way into a job driving a tractor to assist in the development of Negril for tourism; he married a woman named Ruby in the town of Little London, but the marriage didn’t last. Instead, divine voices directed him to Kingston in 1961 to pursue his calling.

Full liner notes are

enclosed in LP, CD



全文はLP, CDに封入されています

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