2LP: 3,500 JPY
CD: 2,200 JPY
20 crucial rocksteady gems from Prince Buster,
which have never reissued until today after original release date in 1967 -68.
- The title tune of this compilation “Let’s Go To The Dance” by Prince Buster,
- A killer cover of The Beatles’ “All My Loving” by Prince Buster again (original press is extremely hard to get),
- “Blue Yes Blue” by a songstress Dawn Penn lead by too beautiful introduction of piano,
- full length version of “Wooden Heart” by Larry Marshal which extends into an instrumental called “Rocking To The Field” by Roland Alphonso,
- “My Future Ahead Of Me” by Errol Dunkley
(the visionary first cut of “King & Queen” released from Bunny Lee In 1972!!!)
本作の表題曲であるプリンス・バスター「Let’s Go To The Dance」、オリジナル盤では入手困難な同じくプリンス・バスターによるビートルズのカバー「All My Loving」、ピアノのイントロがあまりにも美しい歌姫ドーン・ペンの「Blue Yes Blue」、さらに未発表音源として、「Let’s Go To The Dance」同オケのラリー・マーシャル「 Wooden Heart」からローランド・アルフォンソ「Rockin To The Field」に接続されるロング・ヴァーション、バスターのスタジオで発見されたエロル・ダンクリーのキラーチューン「My Future Ahead Of Me」(バニー・リーから72年にリリースされたエロル・ダンクリーの「King & Queen」の幻のファーストカット)を収録。
Of all the many figures in Jamaican popular music, the late, great Prince Buster remains the most iconic, and in many ways the most important. As a truly independent record producer and label owner he maintained a standard that has rarely been matched by any other, and as hundreds of his productions were consistently released in the UK throughout the sixties (mostly on Melodisc’s Blue Beat and Fab labels) he became known internationally as one of Jamaica’s leading artists and record producers.
Visits to England, a Top 20 hit with ‘Al Capone’ in 1967, and youth club floor fillers like ‘Judge Dread’, ‘Rough Rider’ and ‘Big Five’ ensured Buster’s legendary status with British mods and skinheads, and the 1969 ‘Fabulous Greatest Hits’ compilation was a huge seller in that market, and introduced the next generation of fans to tunes like ‘Earthquake’, ‘Too Hot’ and ‘Ghost Dance’. A decade or so later, it was only natural that their successors looked to the Prince for inspiration when the Two Tone label helped to kick start the ska and reggae revival with covers of ‘One Step Beyond’ by Madness and ‘Gangsters’ by the Specials, which borrowed heavily from ‘Al Capone’.
As a teenager, Buster was no stranger to trouble on the tough streets of downtown Kingston, and actually started his career in the music business by working for one of Kingston’s leading sound system men, Clement ‘Sir Coxsone’ Dodd, as a minder, helping to protect the sound system from attacks from rivals. The top of his head soon bore the scars of an attack by some of Duke Reid’s henchmen, and although Buster was known as a fierce fighter, possibly a prototype of the ‘rude boys’ he would later mention in his records, his business ambitions prevailed and he eventually decided to leave Coxsone’s employ and set up his own ‘Voice Of The People’ sound system, with associated record labels (‘Voice Of The People’ and ‘Wild Bells’) to go along with it.
ジャマイカの音楽史に名を連ねるあまたの才能の中で、プリンス・バスターは最も象徴的で、さまざまな意味でもっとも重要な人物である。真にインディペンデントなプロデューサーとして、またレーベルオーナーとして、ほかとは比べものにならないくらい高い水準を維持してきた。60年代には英メロディスク傘下のブルービート、FAB レーベルから膨大な数の作品がリリースされ、バスターはジャマイカのトップ・アーティスト兼プロデューサーとして世界的に認知されることとなった。
Full liner notes are enclosed in LP, CD & Digital Album Pack
全文はLP, CD, デジタル・アルバム・パックに封入されています